Anti Money Laundering Consultants – PASTI JALAN
Anti Money Laundering
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 27 – 29 April 2020 | Rp 6.900.000,-
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 04 – 06 Mei 2020 | Rp 6.900.000,-
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 11 – 13 Mei 2020 | Rp 6.900.000,-
Online Training Available | date and fee at proposal – PASTI JALAN
Jadwal Training 2020 Selanjutnya …
Deskripsi Pelatihan Anti Money Laundering
AML Certification -This Course focuses on Anti-Money Laundering Laws, Financial Crimes, and Compliance. This is a key program for those in banking, financial compliance, and enforcement.By attending this program. The added benefits that Participants will receive include:
- The ability to use the designation CAMC or CAMO ™ on your business card and resume
- 1-year membership to the AAFM professional body
- Access to the AAFM finance network and body of information online
- Experience of a leading finance expert from the American Academy of Financial Management ®
- Membership to the only professional body recognized by the ACBSP, the world’s leading collection of business programs and schools
- Preferred access to online education centres in USA, UK, Europe, Asia, Middle-East and Latin America
- Qualification for application into the AAFM Master Financial Planner Professional Certification
- Access to the AAFM international network and journal published online
- Gold Embossed and Stamped CAMO™ Certification with your name and designation as a MAAFM (Member of the American Academy of Financial Management) The CAMC™ shows that you have completed graduate banking and financial management education.
- Full accreditation fees included in the program fees
Tujuan Kegiatan Pelatihan Anti Money Laundering
By attending this cutting edge course Participants will gain the benefits such as:
- Protect your organization against the latest money laundering and fraud techniques
- Identify vulnerable and potential areas of risk and recognize potential offenders
- Formulate an effective fraud prevention and anti money laundering strategy
- Minimize the effects of fraud on your company and successfully navigate the legislative landscape
- Conduct good customer due diligence in non-face-to-face transactions
- Discover the latest techniques for scoring the risks of customers, products and operations
- Identify methods to maximize your ROI in anti-money laundering technology
- Gain critical insight and practical knowledge to achieve compliance with Asia, GCC, US and EU regulations
- Conduct examinations and audits of anti-money laundering program
- Improve your company’s well-being with the tools and knowledge to create and practice value-added anti money laundering initiatives
Materi Pelatihan Anti Money Laundering
Module One
- Anti-Money Laundering (AML) From A Regulator’s PerspectiveIs AML Compliance Different From Regular Compliance?
- Understanding The Different Requirements
- Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
- USA Patriot Act
- Treasury/Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- The Role Of The Regulator In AML Compliance
- What you can and cannot expect of banks and other institutions in the reporting chain
- Educating the market
- Partners To Enforcement
- Financial Services Authority (DFSA)
- AML and Suspicious Cases Unit (AMLSCU)
- Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force (MENAFATF)
- US Government, SEC, Secret Service and Treasury
- AML In The Introducing-Clearance Context Forfeiture Of funds In US Interbank Accounts
Module Two
- AML From An Institution’s Perspective Enterprise-Wide AML: Looking At The Whole Picture
- AML at branch offices
- Outsourcing issues
- Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
- Suspicious Activity Monitoring, Detection And Reporting
- Definition of suspicious activity
- Banks and financial institutions required to file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
- The gatekeeper initiative – G-8 finance ministers attempt to require professionals to file SARs
- When and where to file SARs
- Safe harbor from civil liability for filing SARs
- Protection from reporting possible criminal activity
- Examples of penalties and fines for failure to file SARs
- Examples of penalties and fines for improperly filing SARs
- Identification And Verification Of Accountholders
- Minimum requirements
- Determining validity of information received
- Determining source of funds
- Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)
Module Three
- AML From The Customer’s Perspective
- Changing Customer Workload – Passing On Compliance Workload To The Customer
- Origination and sources of funds – what is right to ask?
- Keeping client confidentiality – is there a conflict of interest?
- The legal perspective and precedents
- Dealing With Transactions Of The Super-High-Net-Worth
- Additional Requirements For US Transactions And Customers
Module Four
- Some AML Legislation Affecting The Global Markets
- EU, Asia, Africa
- Example: Saudi Arabia’s Consultative Council approved 29 articles of anti-money laundering legislation
- UAE legislation
- Authorized Disclosures And Failure To Disclose
- Appropriate consent
- Recent cases and penalties
- Role of the enforcer and the regulator
- Recent changes in legislation (including the
- EU’s 3rd AML directive)
Module Five
- Implementing AML Initiatives In Your Organization
- Ensuring AML Efforts Satisfy Regulators
- Monitoring risks
- Implementing a risk-based AML program
- Strategies For AML Success
- Integrated approach
- Treat AML as an ongoing process, not an IT solution
- Choose integrated IT solutions
- Training employees
Case Studies Pelatihan
Case-based discussions will be conducted with topics related to the subjects of training. Exam exercises and questions evaluation.
Metode Pelatihan
- Presentasi
- Latihan
- Study case
- Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta
- 27 – 29 April 2020
- 4 – 6 Mei 2020
- 11 – 13 Mei 2020
- 2 – 4 Juni 2020
- 8 – 10 Juni 2020
- 15 – 17 Juni 2020
- 22 – 24 Juni 2020
- 29 Juni 2020 – 1 Juli 2020
- 6 – 8 Juli 2020
- 13 – 15 Juli 2020
- 20 – 22 Juli 2020
- 27 – 29 Juli 2020
- 3 – 5 Agustus 2020
- 10 – 12 Agustus 2020
- 18 – 19 Agustus 2020
- 24 – 26 Agustus 2020
- 31 Agustus 2020 – 2 September 2020
- 7 – 9 September 2020
- 14 – 16 September 2020
- 21 – 23 September 2020
- 28 – 30 September 2020
- 5 – 7 Oktober 2020
- 12 – 14 Oktober 2020
- 19 – 21 Oktober 2020
- 26 – 28 Oktober 2020
- 2 – 4 November 2020
- 9 – 11 November 2020
- 16 – 18 November 2020
- 23 – 25 November 2020
- 30 November 2020 – 2 Desember 2020
- 7 – 9 Desember 2020
- 14 – 16 Desember 2020
- 21 – 23 Desember 2020
- 28 – 30 Desember 2020
Investasi dan Fasilitas
- Rp 6.900.000 (Non Residential, Belum Termasuk Pajak PPn 10%)
- Jika Perusahaan /Instansi mengirimkan lebih dari satu peserta pada judul dan tanggal yang sama maka akan di berikan potongan harga pada peserta kedua dan seterusnya masing – masing sebesar Rp 1.000.000 per peserta.
- VIP training Rp 8.900.000 (4 Hari , Non Residential dengan tambahan Fasilitas Paket studi lapangan/ City tour dan Belum Termasuk Pajak PPn 10%)
- Quota minimum 2 peserta
- Fasilitas: Certificate, Training kits, USB, Lunch, Coffe Break, Souvenir
- Untuk peserta luar kota disediakan transportasi antar-jemput dari Bandara/ Stasiun ke Hotel (berlaku bagi perusahaan yang mengirimkan minimal 3 peserta)
Instruktur Training
American Academy Certified Consultant