Enhancing Your Skill to Become Successful Debt Collector
Enhancing Your Skill to Become Successful Debt Collector
Hotel /Office Building Jakarta | 09-10 Mei 2011| Rp 2.500.000,-
Hotel /Office Building Jakarta | 20-21 Juni 2011 | Rp 2.500.000,-
Tingkatkan keahlian Anda untuk menjadi seorang Ahli dalam bidang jasa penagihan untuk perusahaan Anda.
Dengan metode Full Practice and Less Theory maka peserta akan mendapatkan bekal kemampuan dan pengetahuan seperti:
- Memahami tanggung jawab, aturan kerja dan etika sebagai seorang penagih.
- Memahami system, strategi dan kebijakan penagihan.
- Mempelajari apa dan bagaimana menyiapkan proses penagihan.
- Mempelajari bagaimana cara/ tehnik mengklasifikasikan tipe debitur dan menyiapkan strategi untuk masing-masing debitur.
- Mempelajari bagaimana membangun hubungan baik dengan debitur.
- Mempelajari bagaimana bernegosiasi dengan tipe debitur yang sulit.
- Mempelajari bagaimana melakukan telepon dan kunjungan secara efektif.
- Mempelajari bagaimana menangani keberatan dan penolakan dari debitur.
- Memahami aktivitas paska penagihan.
- Mencapai penerimaan yang diinginkan untuk perusahaan dan pribadi
- Mengembangkan keahlian yang diperlukan untuk menjadi penagih yang berhasil.
Materi yang Anda pelajari adalah materi yang benar – benar aplikatif, praktis, dan belum tentu Anda peroleh dalam pelatihan Training Evaluation lainnya.
1. Principal of Collection Management
2. Roles, responsibilities, and attitude of a STAR debt-collector
3. Collection system, strategy, and policy
4. Preparation – objectives and materials
5. Classification of debitur and strategy for each type of debitur
6. Building rapport
a. Introduction
b. Setting the scenario
c. Questions using V-A-K-O-G model
7. Matching needs and presenting solutions
a. Identifying pleasure or pain type of people
b. Negotiation skills in collection
8. Getting agreement – handling objections or inquiries
a. Using boomerang method, conditional method, metaphor, and so on
9. Handling Past Due
10. Post collection activities
a. Summarising
b. Filing
c. Follow up
d. Visiting and calling effectively
e. Building Confidence
11. Lots of tips and videos for successful debt-collector
Metode Pelatihan
- Pemaparan materi menggunakan modul yang disesuaikan dengan output/ tujuan pelatihan ini.
- Penyampaian materi diberikan dengan metode pengalaman, sehingga dapat sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan kerja di perusahaan Anda.
- Pemaparan materi menggunakan media Visual, Auditory, dan Kinestethic peserta.
- Penyampaian materi selalu dibawakan dengan pendekatan Spiritual dan Emotional.
- Penyampaian materi untuk menciptakan persepsi baru yang dapat merubah mindset dan pemahaman peserta pelatihan.
Games, Role Play, Group Discussion, Case Study, Simulation, Assignment
Program ini direkomendasikan untuk semua praktisi baru dibidang penagihan dan untuk mereka yang ingin meningkatkan keahlian dan menyegarkan kembali kemampuan mereka.
Putera Lengkong, S.T., M.B.A., CH, CHt, CI
- Licensed Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic ProgrammingTM
- Certified Practitioner of Communication Skills
- Certified Hypnotherapist and Hypnotherapy Instructor
Putera is recognised among his trainees for his excellent combination of applicable and theoretical training materials. His experience, in managing and directing the company, delivers him successfully to inspire and motivate others. His knowledge in automotive, finance, and retail industry supports him to confidently share his expertise to others. His area of expertise are: Leadership and supervising; Team Building and Creativity; Salesmanship; Service Excellence; Motivational and Change!; Communication, Risk Management (banking and multi finance), Negotiation, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.
He received his degree in industrial engineering from University of Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta in 2000. He received a scholarship to study his MBA at the Wolverhampton Business School, University of Wolverhampton, in the UK and completed his MBA in 2003.
His managerial experience in retail, education, automotive, and finance industry are a strong plus point for him to deliver this collection module.
His partnership and experience as a trainer in Pakis Foundation, Choice Management Consultants, and PT Inti Sumber Daya Manusia supports him to powerfully deliver the contents to his participants and to assist the learning process of his participants. His clients come from various backgrounds: multilevel marketing, education, bank, automotive, telecommunication, retail, NGO, media, and so on.
In conjunction with Bintang Dwi Nugroho Respati, Putera writes the Best Selling Book “Koleksi Games Seru: untuk Ice Breaker, Team Work, Leadership, Creativity, & High Ropes” (first in Indonesia complimented with VCD).
The author also spare some of his time to generate ideas on personal development, self improvement, self motivation, leadership, communication, and marketing which can be accessed through his personal blog
Lama Pelatihan adalah 7-8 jam/ 1 hari
Waktu dan Lokasi
- Tanggal 09-10 Mei 2011 di Hotel / Office Building Jakarta
- Tanggal 20-21 Juni 2011 di Hotel / Office Building Jakarta
- Rp. 2.500.000,- / peserta
- Early Bird sebelum 25 April 2011 hanya Bayar Rp. 2.000.000,-
- Untuk 5 Peserta dari perusahaan yang sama diskon 15% untuk semua peserta
- Special Bonus : (CD Audio Relax and Recharge) + Souvenir
- Rp. 2.500.000,- / peserta
- Early Bird sebelum 06 Juni 2011 hanya Bayar Rp. 2.000.000,-
- Untuk 5 Peserta dari perusahaan yang sama diskon 15% untuk semua peserta
- Special Bonus : (CD Audio Relax and Recharge) + Souvenir
Susunan Acara
Hari Pertama
08.30 – 09.00 Pendaftaran dan registrasi peserta
09.00 – 10.30 Materi/ Sesi I
1. Principal of Collection Management
2. Roles, responsibilities, and attitude of a STAR debt-collector
3. Collection system, strategy, and policy
10.30 – 10.45 Rehat
10.45 – 12.00 Materi/ Sesi II
1. Preparation – objectives and materials
2. Classification of debitur and strategy for each type of debitur
3. Building rapport
12.00 – 13.00 Rehat – makan siang
13.00 – 15.00 Unit assesment dan presentasi kelompok
15.00 – 15.15 Rehat
15.15 – 16.00 Evaluasi presentasi kelompok.
16.00 Penutupan acara hari pertama
Hari Kedua
09.00 Registrasi ulang peserta
09.00 – 10.30 Materi/ Sesi III
1. Matching needs and presenting solutions
2. Getting agreement – handling objections or inquiries
3. Handling Past Due
10.30 – 10.45 Rehat
10.45 – 12.00 Materi/ Sesi IV
1. Post collection activities
2. Lots of tips and videos for successful debt-collector
12.00 – 13.00 Rehat – makan siang
13.00 – 15.00 Unit assesment dan presentasi kelompok
15.00 – 15.15 Rehat
15.15 – 16.00 Evaluasi presentasi kelompok
16.00 Penutupan acara akhir.