Hotel Eastparch, Yogyakarta | 14 s.d 16 Oktober 2014 | Rp. 6.000.000
Hotel Eastparch, Yogyakarta | 28 s.d 30 Oktober 2014 | Rp. 6.000.000
Hotel Eastparch, Yogyakarta | 04 s.d 06 November 2014 | Rp. 6.000.000 – Pasti Jalan
Hotel Eastparch, Yogyakarta | 11 s.d 13 November 2014 | Rp. 6.000.000
Hotel Eastparch, Yogyakarta | 18 s.d 20 November 2014 | Rp. 6.000.000
Jadwal Training 2014 Selanjutnya …
Petroleum Industries in Indonesia are managed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, under Law No. 22 / 2001. Control system built up by BPMIGAS is done through pre control system, current control system and post control system. In the financial scope those system applied as auditing system, consist of pre audit, current audit and post audit. To perform these auditing system, BPMIGAS published a Financial Reporting Procedures Manual, consists of Work Program & Budget Manual, Authorization Financial Expenditures Manual, Financial Quarterly Report Manual and POD control system.
Plan of Development (POD) is the key point in the Oil and Gas business of Indonesia Upstream Oil and Gas project. POD is a guideline for the Contractor (KKKS) to operate their project. There is a planning program that describe of project activities during the contract. KKKS also should construct the detail of Program Activities and Budgeting (WP&B), and Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). In the Indonesia PSC Term, WP & B, AFE and POD is the integrated aspect that every “Contractor” should propose to BP. Therefore, between BP Migas and the Contractor should have the same perception all about aspect of POD, AFE and WP&B especially about the basic principle, mechanism and procedure, system and operational guidance.
Associated with development, there are many things to do in the intensification of activities, including a qualitative increase in activity in the field of exploration, both in the form of regional studies, field geology, geophysics, seismic, drilling of exploration and evaluation. In addition, also performed quantitative increase in production as field development, construction of production facilities, reservoir studies and field production ever. Risk Management and Assessment in this condition very important role in the implementation of activities.
These 3 days training program is intended to gain more understanding focuses on :
- Developing proposal of Work Program & Budget (WP & B)
- Developing proposal of APE & POD for Approval
- Developing Competitive advantage by improving operation efficiency
- Analyzing Risk Management aspect in field Development
- The Development Process
- Financial Budget & Reporting Procedure
- Work Program & Budget
- Authorization for Expenditure
- Financial Reporting
- Cost to be Recovered
- Entitlement
- Government Tax
- Cash Settlement
Frasto Biyanto, SE., M.Si (anggota IAI)
Ahli di bidang Finance & Accounting
Kegiatan pelatihan dirancang agar peserta dapat memahami secara komprehensif materi yang disampaikan, sehingga dapat dimplementasikan secara aplikatif dalam dunia kerja. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah:
- Presentation
- Discuss
- Case Study
- Evaluation
- Development Planning Team, Cost Projects Controller, Drilling, Production, and Facilities Construction Staff.
- Tax Staff, Finance Staff, Legal Counsel, Internal Audit Staff
- Cost Projects Controller, Business Planning Staff, Drilling, Production, and Facilities Construction Staff.
- Tax Staff, Finance Staff, Legal Counsel, Internal Audit Staff
- 14 s.d 16 Oktober 2014
- 28 s.d 30 Oktober 2014
- 4 s.d 6 November 2014 – Pasti Jalan
- 11 s.d 13 November 2014
- 18 s.d 20 November 2014
- 25 s.d 27 November 2014
- 2 s.d 4 Desember 2014
- 9 s.d 11 Desember 2014
- 16 s.d 18 Desember 2014
- 22 s.d 24 Desember 2014
- 29 s.d 31 Desember 2014
- Hotel Eastparch Yogyakarta
Request for Training Venue: Semarang, Solo, Bandung, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Bali, Lombok and Batam
- Course Fee : Rp. 6.000.000,-/participant (non residential)
- Special Price : Rp. 5.000.000,-/participant (non residensial) Min. 3 Peserta
- Training Hand Out
- Digital Material
- Certificate
- Exclusive Souvenir
- Qualified Bag
- Training Photo
- Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
- Once lunch and twice coffee break every day of training
- Qualified Instructor
- Transportation from airport / railway to hotel and from hotel to the training venue (2 person from one company)