FINANCIAL PLANNER – Available Online
Perencana keuangan yang handal akan mengelola keuangan dengan baik sedini mungkin sehingga menjamin perusahaan mencapai tujuan
Online Training | 08 – 09 Desember 2020 | Rp 2.900.000,- PASTI JALAN
Online Training | 11 – 12 Desember 2020 | Rp 2.900.000,-
Jadwal Online Training Selanjutnya …
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 21 – 23 Desember 2020 | Rp 6.900.000,-
Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta | 28 – 30 Desember 2020 | Rp 6.900.000,-
Jadwal Training 2020 Selanjutnya …
Financial Planner Training Background
Financial Planning is a field which crosses many different learning areas and integrates knowledge from these learning areas. The curriculum has been designed according to the international curriculum standards as set out by the international body which namely, the American Academy Financial Management and the Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM).
A financial planner or personal financial planner is a professional who prepares financial plans for people. These financial plans often cover cash flow management, retirement planning, investment planning, financial risk management, insurance planning, tax planning, estate planning and business succession planning (for business owners). Financial planning should cover all areas of the client’s financial needs and should result in the achievement of each of the client’s goals as required, and this demands for a professional and reliable consultant in the field.
The AAFM® certification process, administered by GAFM Board, identifies to the public that those individuals who have been authorized to use the AAFM® certification marks in the globe have met rigorous professional standards and have agreed to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients.
The course is enriched with actual financial planning case studies which are aimed toward the enhancement of participants knowledge and the financial planning insights, and capability to cope with professional certification.
Financial Planner Training Objectives
Upon completing this course, the participants shall benefits of the training such as:
- Gain a firm grasp of financial planning concepts.
- Obtain an introduction to the financial planning profession and the practice of personal financial planning by professional planners.
- Understand time value of money concepts and the calculations to support them.
- Learn about financial planning and risk management and a working knowledge of risk management/insurance technique
- Apply financial planning knowledge in an integrated approach to real-life financial planning situations;
- Advise individuals, families, and small businesses on a variety of complex financial issues;
- Develop and maintain tailored and comprehensive financial plans;
- Become informed, competent, and ethical financial planners and leaders in the financial planning industry.
- Prepared to take the certification and examination from AAFM and GAFM
Training Audience
- Professionals who have worked as a financial advisor or financial planner
- Students who want to the option to take classes from anywhere “on the go”
- People comfortable with technology and those that are highly self-motivated
Financial Planner Training Contents
- Module 1: Introduction to Financial Planning
- Module 2: Risk Analysis and Insurance Planning
- Module 3: Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits
- Module 4: : Investment Planning
- Module 5: Tax and Estate Planning
- Module 6: Advanced Financial Planning
- Case Studies
Training Instructure
Team Training
Jadwal Online Training 2020
- 7 – 8 Desember 2020
- 9 – 10 Desember 2020
- 11 – 12 Desember 202
- 14 – 15 Desember 2020
- 16 – 17 Desember 2020
- 18 – 19 Desember 2020
- 21 – 22 Desember 2020
Investasi dan Fasilitas Training Online
- Course Fee Rp 2.900.000
- Modul online training
- Certificate training Hardcopy dan atau Softcopy
Metode Training Online
Metode pelatihan online dapat dilakukan dengan dua metode dimana Peserta dapat memilih metode yang sesuai. Metode tersebut adalah :
- Metode Peserta Belajar Online Mandiri (Asinkron) yaitu:
- Peserta mendownload materi pelatihan (dalam bentuk file PPT/PDF/video) dan belajar mandiri dengan waktu belajar diatur sendiri oleh peserta.
- Masa aktif tayang setiap materi pelatihan 4 minggu dengan disediakan konsultasi maks 4 jam online dihitung sejak materi mulai ditayangkan.
- Apabila diperlukan peserta dapat diskusi atau konsultasi terkait dengan materi yang akan difasilitasi oleh konsultan/trainer melalui berbagai media seperti Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom, Team link, atau WhatsApp sesuai dengan kesepakatan.
- Tersedia paket harga khusus jika ada beberapa orang mendaftar untuk training yang sama dan dari perusahaan yang sama
- Metode Live Online Training (Sinkron) yaitu:
- Instruktur mengajar secara LIVE dengan durasi 4 jam perhari selama 2 hari secara terjadwal
- Media Live training dapat menggunakan Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom atau Team link.
- Tersedia harga khusus jika training yang sama diikuti oleh beberapa peserta dari perusahaan yang sama
Ketentuan Online Training
- Persiapan Peserta
- Dianjurkan menggunakan laptop, bukan smartphone.
- Koneksi internet yang stabil.
- Buku dan alat tulis.
- Platform yang digunakan
- Beberapa alternative platform Zoom, Google Meet, Hang Out, Team link atau Webex untuk conference live training
- Materi, tugas dan dokumen lain akan diupload dalam Google Classroom
- Peserta menginstall aplikasi sesuai yang akan digunakan
Jadwal Training 2020
- Hotel Ibis Malioboro, Yogyakarta
- 14 – 16 Desember 2020
- 21 – 23 Desember 2020
- 28 – 30 Desember 2020
Investasi & Fasilitas Training Kelas
- Rp 6.900.000 (Non Residential)
- Jika Perusahaan/ Instansi mengirimkan lebih dari satu peserta pada judul dan tanggal yang sama maka akan di berikan potongan harga pada peserta kedua dan seterusnya masing-masing sebesar Rp 1.000.000 per peserta
- VIP training Rp 8.900.000 (4 Hari , Non Residential dengan tambahan Fasilitas Paket studi lapangan/ City tour dan Belum Termasuk Pajak PPn 10%)
- Quota minimum 2 peserta
- Fasilitas: Certificate, Training kits, USB, Lunch, Coffe Break, Souvenir
- Untuk peserta luar kota disediakan transportasi antar-jemput dari Bandara/ Stasiun ke Hotel khusus bagi perusahaan yang mengirimkan minimal 3 orang peserta)