Financial Risk Management – American Academy Certification (AVAILABLE ONLINE)
CFR extends the governance framework covered in the Ethics and Governance segment with the International Financial Reporting Standard
Online Training | 21 – 22 Januari 2021 | fee at proposal – PASTI JALAN
Background Financial Risk Management Certified In Finance (CFR)
Risk Management strives to provide financial protection and support services to all departments in the organization. The success of the department in fulfilling its responsibilities requires close coordination with, and cooperation from, the total organization for identification of potential risks and prompt notification of claims for losses sustained.
The Financial Risk Management segment extends the governance framework covered in the Ethics and Governance segment, further discusses the process of investment evaluation that was covered in the Strategic Management Accounting segment, and examines some of the practical elements and complexities of hedge accounting in relation to the International Financial Reporting Standards that were covered in the Financial Reporting segment.
Objectives Financial Risk Management Certified In Finance (CFR)
The Participants be able to:
- Identification and analysis of risk and assessment of loss potential
- Eliminating or minimizing risks
- Implementing loss funding and risk financing mechanisms
- Claims control and litigation management
Contents Financial Risk Management Certified In Finance (CFR)
- What is Financial Risk Management?
- Identifying Major Financial Risk
- Interest Rate Risk
- Foreign Exchange Risk
- Foreign Exchane Risk
- Liquidity Risk
- Credit Risk
- Commodity Risk
- Risk Management Framework: Policy and Hedging
- Measuring Risk
- Global Initiatives in Financial Risk Management
Lead Instructor
Marita, SE, M.Si, Ak, CA
Metode Training Online
Metode pelatihan online dapat dilakukan dengan dua metode dimana Peserta dapat memilih metode yang sesuai. Metode tersebut adalah :
- Metode Peserta Belajar Online Mandiri (Asinkron) yaitu:
- Peserta mendownload materi pelatihan (dalam bentuk file PPT/PDF/video) dan belajar mandiri dengan waktu belajar diatur sendiri oleh peserta.
- Masa aktif tayang setiap materi pelatihan 4 minggu dengan disediakan konsultasi maks 4 jam online dihitung sejak materi mulai ditayangkan.
- Apabila diperlukan peserta dapat diskusi atau konsultasi terkait dengan materi yang akan difasilitasi oleh konsultan/trainer melalui berbagai media seperti Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom, Team link, atau WhatsApp sesuai dengan kesepakatan.
- Tersedia paket harga khusus jika ada beberapa orang mendaftar untuk training yang sama dan dari perusahaan yang sama
- Metode Live Online Training (Sinkron) yaitu:
- Instruktur mengajar secara LIVE dengan durasi 4 jam perhari selama 2 hari secara terjadwal
- Media Live training dapat menggunakan Google Meet, Hang Out, Zoom atau Team link.
- Tersedia harga khusus jika training yang sama diikuti oleh beberapa peserta dari perusahaan yang sama
Ketentuan Online Training
- Persiapan Peserta
- Dianjurkan menggunakan laptop, bukan smartphone.
- Koneksi internet yang stabil.
- Buku dan alat tulis.
- Platform yang digunakan
- Beberapa alternative platform Zoom, Google Meet, Hang Out, Team link atau Webex untuk conference live training
- Materi, tugas dan dokumen lain akan diupload dalam Google Classroom
- Peserta menginstall aplikasi sesuai yang akan digunakan
Financial Risk Management Certified In Finance (CFR) *International Certification by American Academy*