Legal Aspects and Procedure of Foreign Direct Investment
Legal Aspects and Procedure of Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia
Hotel Akmani, Jakarta | 13 December 2011 | 9.00 – 16.30 wib | Rp. 2.000.000,
The workshop is designed to provide the necessary information on the preparation of investing in Indonesia. Comprehensive and up to date issue regarding procedures, laws and regulatory policies, manpower, as well as taxation and financial planning will be presented by the expert and experienced trainers as well as confirmed by related government official speaker. With comprehensive and valuable content, this is a must attend workshop to all prospective and existing investor to provide solution in doing business in Indonesia
Indonesia is a remarkable place for foreign direct investment. A huge deposit of natural resources, large and growing domestic market, as well as young professional and talented human resources are among its investment strenght. Supported by stable politic and economic atmostphere after ten years struggle for governance reform, Indonesia is top priority list of investment destination. Friendly investment regulations and speedy application process through one stop services are developed to support professional and integrated investment procedure.
How to work with Indonesia investment law, how the detail of company establishment process, man power issue, as well as taxation and financial planning. These question are usually come up for investors wishing to start business and invest in Indonesia. With this regard, the workshop is presented to provide a comprehensive guideline on the establishment process and other necessary informations needed to start doing business in Indonesia.
The topics will be delivered by expert and experienced as well as relevant government official from Indonesia Investment Coordination Board. With comprehensive and valuable content, this is a must attend workshop to all prospective and existing investor to get latest update on the procedure and policies in doing business in Indonesia
Workshop Content
1. Working with Indonesian Investment Law
- Major Laws and policies toward investment in Indonesia
- Rights and obligations of Investor
- Implementation and challenge of Law on Investment No. 25 Year 2007
- Protection and equal treatment toward local and foreign investor
- General facilities and Incentive For Foreign Investor
- Dispute and settlement methode for foreign investment
2. Company Establishment in Indonesia : Guideline and Procedure
- Guideline and Procedure for application of company Establishment
- Governing Structure
- Negative list Issue
- Required Licenses and Non Licenses before commercial Operation
3. Employment and Man Power Issue
- General Indonesian Labor Law issue
- Employee and Employer rights and obligations
- Security and allowance for employee,
- Expatriate employment right, obligation and procedure
- Dispute resolution system in labor matters.
- Termination Process and consequence
4. Taxation and Financial Planning
- Tax Administration
- Tax Payment
- Tax Auditing
- Right and obligation of Tax Payer
- Income Tax
- Tax and Financial Planning
- Transfer Pricing Issue
- double Taxation
Prof. DR. Erman Rajagukguk
Received his bachelor degree from the Law Faculty of Universitas Indonesia in 1975 and his LL.M degree and Ph.D from University of Washington, School of Law, Seattle, United States respectively in 1984 and 1988. He has very broad experience both as academician and practician in investment law for more than 20 years. His specializations are Investment Law and International Joint Venture. From 1975 until 1980 he owned a legal consultant office “Erman and Associated” and worked as legal consultant at Adnan Buyung Nasution & Associates (1980-1982). Prof. DR. Erman Rajagukguk, Dean at the Faculty of Law of Al-Azhar University and Professor at the Faculty of Law, of Universitas Indonesia received a prestigious award from the University of Washington Chapter of the Order of the Coif for his loyalty for the academic world and his dedication to the community.
Maria Y.P Ardianingtyas, S.H., LL.M
Founder of MA Law Firm. Received her Bachelor of Law degree from Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia in 1999 and LL.M from Faculteit Rechtsgeleerheid Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2000. Prior to establishing MA Law Firm, Ms. Maria Ardianingtyas had several outstanding working experiences in global firms active in Indonesia. She was a senior associate at Norton Rose in Association with Brigitta I. Rahayoe & Partners and an associate at Mochtar Karuwin & Komar Law Firm for 7 (seven) years . She also has experiences as a legal manager at PT Lyman Investindo and PT Alfa Retailindo, Tbk. where these experiences complete her legal expertise in business sector and their natures in Indonesia. To complete her experiences, Ms. Maria Ardianingtyas has accepted a challenge as a legal adviser for the Indonesian Netherlands Association – Indonesian – Benelux Chamber of Commerce and was also a project officer for Investment Climate Improvement Project in 2007-2008 as she successfully established and maintained good relationship with the Indonesian Goverment Officials.
DR. Indra Darmawan*
Director of Deregulation of National Investment Coordination Board (BKPM)
Wisadmoro Jati, S.Sos., M.Intl.Tax
Tax Practitioner and Lecture at University of Indonesia
13 December 2011
9.00 – 16.30 wib
Tempat :
Hotel Akmani Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta
- Rp. 2.000.000,- (two million)/ person
- (50% dicount for the 4th participant from the same company/institution)