Procurement Fraud: Identification, Investigation and Prevention
Procurement Fraud: Identification, Investigation and Prevention
Graha Mustika Ratu, Jakarta | SENIN – SELASA, 07 – 08 NOVEMBER 2011| Pk. 08.45 – 17.00 | Rp 2.400.000,-
Materi bahasan:
- Introduction to procurement fraud
- Transparency and accountability principles
- Common types of procurement frauds
- Criteria for gross misconduct, criminal, and civil cases
- Fraud detection methods
- Handling procurement fraud and constructing preventive policy
Metode training:
Pembahasan konsep, case study, diskusi
Target peserta:
Para pengambil keputusan di semua lini operasional, seperti: Project Manager, Purchasing Manager, Logistic/Supply Chain Manager, Internal Auditor, Finance Manager, CEO perusahaan, dan siapa saja yang ingin memperoleh pengetahuan praktis di bidang ini.
Team Trainer
SENIN – SELASA, 07 – 08 NOVEMBER 2011 | Pk. 08.45 – 17.00
Graha Mustika Ratu
Jl. Jend. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 74-75
Jakarta 12870
- Rp 2.400.000/orang/program.
- incl. materi, sertifikat, 2x coffee break, 1x lunch
- Diskon 10% untuk pendaftaran seminggu sebelum training ATAU
- Pendaftaran minimal 3 orang Rp. 2.000.000/orang.